
Aktuelles vom Delía Studio

Hier findet ihr alle News rund um unser Pole Dance Studio und zu den anstehenden Workshops
17. Januar 2024

Workshops with Mateva

I wanted to organise this mini pole camp out of a desire to share a closer insight on what flow means from my personal point of view and teach you how to reach it, by creating beautiful seamless transitions between simple pole tricks. You will learn different, unique climbing techniques in classes tailored to provide options of harder or easier variations, depending on your level. Along with spinning pole classes focused on flow, you can choose between a range of 4-6 workshops daily (2 classes working in parallel) and different workshops such as dynamic static pole, lyrical pole, contemporary flow, high heels choreographies and a special workshop designed to teach you how to reach your own style, flow and stimulate your creativity in creating your own unique combinations. Classes can be held in English or German, depending on participants. 
17. Januar 2024

Shape your Flow Pole Camp – Anamaria Bozga – April

I wanted to organise this mini pole camp out of a desire to share a closer insight on what flow means from my personal point of view and teach you how to reach it, by creating beautiful seamless transitions between simple pole tricks. You will learn different, unique climbing techniques in classes tailored to provide options of harder or easier variations, depending on your level. Along with spinning pole classes focused on flow, you can choose between a range of 4-6 workshops daily (2 classes working in parallel) and different workshops such as dynamic static pole, lyrical pole, contemporary flow, high heels choreographies and a special workshop designed to teach you how to reach your own style, flow and stimulate your creativity in creating your own unique combinations. Classes can be held in English or German, depending on participants. 
29. Januar 2019

Neuer Kurs:
Aerial Hoop

Aerial Hoop hat seinen Ursprung in der Cirkuswelt und führt bis ins 18. Jahrhundert zurück. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Art Hula-Hoop Ring bzw. Metallring, der an der Decke befestigt ist und an dem man schöne Tricks und Trickkombinationen erlernen kann. Auch zum Tanzen und Einstudieren von kleinen Choreographien eignet sich der Aerial Hoop perfekt.

25. Oktober 2017

Marion Crampe

Often described as the "Pole Fairy”, a name that you will understand completely once you meet her. Her classes are uplifting, empowering and make people feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. She is a firm believer that everyone is different, everyone will tell a different story with their body and dancing. She embraces and develops this diversity in her classes.
25. Oktober 2017


Am 17. Dezember (Sonntag) finden unsere Jahresendparty und Weihnachtsfeier statt. Alle zurzeit hier trainierenden Schülerinnen und Ex-Schülerinnen sind herzlich eingeladen. Wir erwarten Euch mit Glühwein, vielen Team-Choreografien unterschiedlicher Level und etlichen Single/Double/Twerk/High Heels/ Latino Choreografien.
24. Oktober 2017

Pole Fitness

Bei unseren Pole Fitness Kursen liegt der Schwerpunkt noch mehr auf der körperlichen Fitness und dem Aufbau der Muskeln.
Unzählige verschiedene Übungen an der Pole Dance Stange unterstützen Deine Dehnbarkeit und Beweglichkeit. Du trainierst gezielt Deine Oberkörper Muskulatur und gewinnst ganzheitlich an Kraft und Körperspannung... und Spaß macht das Trainieren an der Stange auch!