Du willst dich fit halten und dabei eine richtig gute Figur machen?
Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!
Herzlichen Willkommen im Delía Studio, dem ersten Pole Dance Studio in Rosenheim. Mit dieser vollkommen neuen Art des Trainings kannst Du an unserem abwechslungsreiches Work out teilnehmen bei dem der Tanz nicht zu kurz kommt. Pole Dance ist mitreißend und motiviert wie kein anderer Sport, da Erfolge sehr schnell sichtbar sind und man seinen Körper ganz neu kennen lernt. Pole Dance kann dabei elegant, akrobatisch aber auch sexy sein. Vereinbare jetzt einen Termin für eine Schnupperstunde und hebe mit uns gemeinsam ab!
Ana ist aktuell auch zu sehen bei "Românii au talent"

Unser Kursplan

25. April 2024
I wanted to organise this mini pole camp out of a desire to share a closer insight on what flow means from my personal point of view and teach you how to reach it, by creating beautiful seamless transitions between simple pole tricks. You will learn different, unique climbing techniques in classes tailored to provide options of harder or easier variations, depending on your level. Along with spinning pole classes focused on flow, you can choose between a range of 4-6 workshops daily (2 classes working in parallel) and different workshops such as dynamic static pole, lyrical pole, contemporary flow, high heels choreographies and a special workshop designed to teach you how to reach your own style, flow and stimulate your creativity in creating your own unique combinations. Classes can be held in English or German, depending on participants.
25. April 2024
I wanted to organise this mini pole camp out of a desire to share a closer insight on what flow means from my personal point of view and teach you how to reach it, by creating beautiful seamless transitions between simple pole tricks. You will learn different, unique climbing techniques in classes tailored to provide options of harder or easier variations, depending on your level. Along with spinning pole classes focused on flow, you can choose between a range of 4-6 workshops daily (2 classes working in parallel) and different workshops such as dynamic static pole, lyrical pole, contemporary flow, high heels choreographies and a special workshop designed to teach you how to reach your own style, flow and stimulate your creativity in creating your own unique combinations. Classes can be held in English or German, depending on participants.
17. Januar 2024
I wanted to organise this mini pole camp out of a desire to share a closer insight on what flow means from my personal point of view and teach you how to reach it, by creating beautiful seamless transitions between simple pole tricks. You will learn different, unique climbing techniques in classes tailored to provide options of harder or easier variations, depending on your level. Along with spinning pole classes focused on flow, you can choose between a range of 4-6 workshops daily (2 classes working in parallel) and different workshops such as dynamic static pole, lyrical pole, contemporary flow, high heels choreographies and a special workshop designed to teach you how to reach your own style, flow and stimulate your creativity in creating your own unique combinations. Classes can be held in English or German, depending on participants.
16. Januar 2024
I wanted to organise this mini pole camp out of a desire to share a closer insight on what flow means from my personal point of view and teach you how to reach it, by creating beautiful seamless transitions between simple pole tricks. You will learn different, unique climbing techniques in classes tailored to provide options of harder or easier variations, depending on your level. Along with spinning pole classes focused on flow, you can choose between a range of 4-6 workshops daily (2 classes working in parallel) and different workshops such as dynamic static pole, lyrical pole, contemporary flow, high heels choreographies and a special workshop designed to teach you how to reach your own style, flow and stimulate your creativity in creating your own unique combinations. Classes can be held in English or German, depending on participants.